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When Mrs. Evelyn Mulwray, wife to Water & Power head Hollis Mulwray, tells Private Detective Jake Gittes that she wants to hire him to follow her husband because she believes he’s having an affair...
In The Dark Knight Rises, Gotham City’s Caped Crusader transforms from the symbol of heroism and hope established in Batman Begins, whose endurance was so unsparingly tested and thus entrenched by The...
An alternate title for Bob le flambeur, commonly known as “Bob the Gambler” or “Bob the High Roller”, could be Bob le flâneur. The French term flâneur means a wanderer or stroller, and for writers lik...
In 1986, James Cameron made the quintessential sequel: Aliens, a model for all sequels as to what they could and should aspire to be. Serving as writer and director for only the third time, Cameron re...
Anthony Mann’s greatest Westerns involve dark heroes who conceal their deep wounds. His heroes are extreme men at the mercy of an unseen and often irrational emotional force inside themselves. This in...
Visionary and terrifying, Ridley Scott’s Alien hybridized the horror and science-fiction genres in 1979 to effectively launch a new subgenre, and countless clones have since borrowed from its DNA. Spa...
After selling his wildly original script for Being John Malkovich, screenwriter Charlie Kaufman lands a job to adapt Susan Orlean’s book The Orchid Thief, an expansion of her article published in The ...
Up on the screen, anything is possible. Egyptian adventures, upper-crust hobnobbing, a night out in the big city, fine clothes, expensive cocktails at even more expensive nightclubs, and oh—what roman...
In Woody Allen’s Crimes and Misdemeanors, a rabbi named Ben (Sam Waterston) suffers from an eye disease and may lose his sight. Ben’s ophthalmologist, Judah Rosenthal (Martin Landau), has a thriving a...