Dear Readers,
Chaplin beckons the viewer to recognize and fight against tyrants, and every few years, as another despot comes along, his film becomes achingly relevant again.
A film of vintage designs and ideas, Brad Bird’s superhero film nonetheless proved ahead of its time.
In a bastion of artistry and intellectual seriousness, Schrader engages the problem of Mishima and provides an answer through extravagant, thoughtful filmmaking.
“Would everything be in the mess it is if we were loyal to love and not to countries?”
A murder mystery in which no murder has been committed.
Ousmane Sembène’s film is about female comradeship against male-dominated rituals over their bodies.
A brilliant and devastating allegory for postcolonial subjectivity.
Its emotional brutality, cruelty, and violence as relentless as his most popular work.
Haneke portrays the tragedy when an individual or country cannot remember their uncomfortable national or personal history, or more accurately, do not want to.